Experience, expertise and common sense.

PIP/Uninsured Motorist

Motor Vehicle Litigation / March 16, 2017

Court/Case No: Michigan Court of Appeals/330706

Tried/Argued Before: Judge

Demand: $400,000.00

Verdict: $0.00 Summary Disposition granted

Name of Judge(s): Honorable Michael Riordan, Patrick Meter, and Karen Fort Hood

Keys to the Case:

Years of experience dealing with UM/UIM coverages – coupled with exhaustive legal research, concise briefing, and thorough preparation for appellate oral argument – enabled Home-Owners’ appellate counsel to persuade a three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals to apply Home-Owners’ “owned vehicle” exclusion.  Reversing the trial court on leave granted, the panel found that the exclusion was free of ambiguity, did not render the UIM coverage illusory, and applied to the undisputed facts of this case (the claimant insured another vehicle through Home-Owners and was allegedly injured while riding a motorcycle he owned but did not insure through Home-Owners).


Defense SW attorney(s) Involved in Case:


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