Experience, expertise and common sense.

No-Fault Provider

Motor Vehicle Litigation / April 23, 2018

Court/Case No: 15th District Court/17-3376-GC

Tried/Argued Before: Judge

Demand:  $25,000.00

Verdict: $0 – Motion for Summary Disposition granted

Name of Judge(s): Honorable Joseph Burke

Keys to the Case:

The policy through which Plaintiff sought payment provided coordinated medical benefits to its named insured. The named insured also carried health insurance through Total Healthcare HMO. Gravity Imaging submitted its bills to Total Healthcare; however, payment was denied due to the failure to obtain pre-authorization for treatment. Suit was then commenced against Meemic and a Motion for Summary Disposition was filed. In granting the Motion, Judge Burke agreed with our position that pursuant to Tousignant v. Allstate Insurance, 444 Mich 301, a claimant must adhere to the terms of the health insurance policy or the no-fault carrier is not responsible for payment.


Defense SW attorney(s) Involved in Case:


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