Experience, expertise and common sense.

First-Party (PIP)

Motor Vehicle Litigation / May 6, 2019

Court/Case No: Wayne County Circuit Court/18-07452-NF

Tried/Argued Before: Judge

Demand: $50,000.00

Verdict: $0 – Motion for summary disposition granted

Name of Judge(s): Honorable Craig Strong

Keys to the Case:

Plaintiff filed a first-party action seeking first-party benefits following a motor vehicle accident. An investigation revealed that the named insured made material misrepresentations in the procurement of the policy.  Specifically, the named insured never notified Defendant that Plaintiff was a resident at the home and frequently had permission to drive her vehicle. Disclosure of Plaintiff as a resident in the household with permission to driver policy vehicles would have resulted in a 10% increase in premiums.

Defendant filed a motion for summary disposition based on material misrepresentations in the procurement of the policy.  Defendant’s motion for summary disposition was granted and Plaintiff’s case was dismissed with prejudice.

Keys to the case: http://bit.ly/2ZTLEp7

Defense SW attorney(s) Involved in Case:


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